What if…? | MIT Tough Tech Summit 2023At dawn last Wednesday, I took the 5 a.m. train from Providence to Boston, marking my second year at the MIT Tough Tech Conference…Oct 14, 2023Oct 14, 2023
Are you a bat eater? -A commentary on Asian hate crimes and my love for Chinese traditional artIn light of recent hate crimes news… I made an artwork exploring my complex relationship with ethnicity. I use to look down on traditionalMar 19, 2021Mar 19, 2021
You’re doing something wrong, if you’re not failingDebate is hard. There are a lot of late-nights, weekends sacrificed, nervous breakdowns, disappointment, and my favourite: red, hot…May 29, 2020May 29, 2020
What’s stopping the next Elon Musk? — ComplacencyTrying to fit in only maximizes mediocrity. If you want to fit in, you have to be like everyone else. In other words, you have to be…Apr 12, 2020Apr 12, 2020
Behind the Scenes of Bone Loss in Microgravity EnvironmentsWhat actually make bones loose their density in microgravtiy enviornments? Hint: genes.Mar 22, 2020Mar 22, 2020
Taking out the trash-the dreaded chore. #spacejunkA dive into the problem + using the Ion Beam Shpered as a solution.Feb 16, 2020Feb 16, 2020
GMO Brings Forth an Agricultural RevolutionOnce the Neolithic people began cultivating their own plants, breeding domestic animals…We were screwed. Farming aided permanent…Jan 15, 2020Jan 15, 2020
Solving the Science + Politics EquationIf only politics could be as definitive as science and math. Unlike politics ideologies, scientific theories usually/are supposed to work…Dec 15, 2019Dec 15, 2019
Growth is more than just heightIf I died today, would I be happy with how I lived today? In other words, did I live today? Did I love?Nov 30, 2019Nov 30, 2019
A literal moonshot-launching solar farms into space!Climate change is a constant battle of achieving environmental sustainability in an economy that relies on consumerism. Protests after…Nov 1, 2019Nov 1, 2019